

The operation of a university campus involves thousands of students, hundreds of faculty, staff, and administrators, and numerous facilities. By its nature, campus operations involve the careful handling of situations that may become difficult. In most cases these are handled by routine measures.

Whenever an emergency affecting the University reaches proportions that cannot be handled by such measures, the University president or his/her designee may declare a state of emergency.

Bryant’s Emergency Management Team is responsible for implementing and reviewing the plan. The team members include:

  • director of the Department of Public Safety
  • vice president/s in charge of the affected area/s
  • University Relations staff
  • Ad hoc members including the University president and director/s of the affected area/s


Active shooter
  • Run: If there is an escape path, attempt to vacate
  • Hide: Lock yourself in the room you are in and blockade the door
  • Try to stay calm and be as quiet as possible; silence cell phones
  • Turn off lights and any audio equipment
  • Lock the windows and close blinds or curtains if possible
  • Stay away from windows
  • Crouch down if necessary to stay out of sight
  • Fight as a last resort, and only if your life is in danger: attempt to incapacitate the shooter; act with physical aggression; improvise weapons; commit to your actions
  • Activate the nearest fire alarm pull station
  • Call 6911 Public Safety and let them know location of fire
  • Notify other building occupants
  • Evacuate building and stay at least 200 feet away, closing all doors as you leave
  • If you cannot leave the building take refuge in a totally enclosed room
  • Put a wet cloth over your mouth or nose
  • Remain orderly once outside building
Building evacuation
  • Do not use elevators
  • Take personal belongings and dress appropriately for weather
  • Close doors as you exit
  • Move all personnel to a safe area away from endangered building
Suspicious package
  • Do not touch or disturb the package/object
  • Evacuate immediate area
  • Notify your supervisor or residence hall director or RA
Bomb threat
  • Remain calm
  • Attempt to gather as much information as possible from the caller
  • Pay attention to background noise
  • Note characteristics of caller’s voice
  • Try to obtain location of device and detonation time
  • If the threat is on voicemail, do not erase
  • If the building is evacuated,  stay away from windows
Suspicious behavior/person of concern
  • Do not physically confront the person exhibiting the behavior
  • Do not let anyone into a locked room/building
  • Do not block a person’s access to an exit
If you can do so safely:
  • Secure vital equipment, records, and hazardous material
  • Shut off non-essential electrical equipment
  • Wait for instruction from Public Safety or Facilities Management
In all cases:
  • Move all personnel to a safe area away from the endangered building
  • Do not return to te building until instructed to do so by Public Safety or Facilities
  • Call Facilities Management for assistance with flood cleanup (x6052 or 401-232-6052)
Gas leak, fumes, or vapors
  • Do not pull fire alarms
  • Do not touch light switches or electrical equipment
  • Clear the area immediately if instructed to do so by the emergency dispatcher
  • Provide your location and the location of the odor to the dispatcher
  • Provide as many details as possible to the dispatcher
Hazardous material spill

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  • If the incident is indoors, close all dors in order to isolate the area if it is safe to do so
  • From a safe area, call Public Safety
  • Be prepared to provide the following: name of material, quantity of material, time of incident, location of incident, any injuries or exposure to material, if a fire or explosive is involved, your name, phone nuber and location
  • Follow instructions provided by emergency responders
  • Evacuate if necessary
Medical emergency
Cardiac arrest/heart attack
  • Assess the scene for danger
  • Check the victim
  • Perform CPR
  • Remove the cause of the burn
  • Flush the area with water
  • Do not apply a dressing, creams or lotions
  • Apply firm but gentle pressure to the wound with a clean cloth or tissue
  • Immobilize the body part
  • Keep person lying down